References & Testimonials

"I have known and worked with Paul Coleman since 2012 whilst in his previous role as Director for the Turks and Caicos Islands Anti-Money Laundering Supervision Department. At that time, I was the Chairman of the Training and Education Committee for the Turks and Caicos Islands Real Estate Association, (TCREA), then President of TCREA for several years.

During this time, Paul conducted numerous presentations and seminars as part of the TCREA monthly training and education program, which provided valuable insight into anti-money laundering matters.

Now that Paul has moved on from his previous role and has created Coleman on Compliance Ltd, I have been fortunate enough to join several training sessions. Such training sessions are focused on participants such as me as a Principal Partner and Director for Regency-Christie's International Real Estate, one of the top luxury real estate brokerages in the country.

The training Paul provides is tailored to the client's needs and their specific industry, affording participants an in-depth understanding of matters that affect them directly. Also, how one can best navigate the ever-changing and evolving strategies adopted by those that fall under the anti-money laundering guidelines. A further and most critical benefit gained from these sessions is how one can best adopt best-case protocols for all members associated with an organisation such as ours.

In closing, Paul has extensive knowledge on the subject spanning several decades, something that becomes apparent from the moment the sessions start. He has created thoughtful and easy to understand presentations that are given in his trademark, practical and engaging style.

I could not recommend strongly enough, nor put a high enough value on the subject matter, or the way in which Paul delivers such vital information and the services he provides.

Robert Greenwood,
Director & Senior Broker

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

Regency-Christie’s International Real Estate